8th Cancer Cachexia Conference
September 25-27, 2025  |  Turin, Italy

Abstract Submission



Deadline for Short Talk or Next Generation session: May 2, 2025
Deadline for Poster Presenter: June 13, 2025.

Abstract Submission Information

Similar to our previous conferences, we are accepting abstracts for the following categories:

In addition, you may submit your abstract and be considered for a CCS Communication Award (apply during abstract submission).

Short Talk and Poster Presenters should prepare abstracts using the following guidelines:

  • Abstract title

  • Author(s)
    Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname*, ... with presenting author identified with an asterisk = e.g., John Brown, Betty White*

  • Affiliation
    Institution, City, Country for all authors
    (in case of multiple institutions, please identify respective author and corresponding institution with a number)

  • Abstract Body (Maximum 350 words)
    References will not be counted in the abstract word limit
    Please do not include figures or tables

Next Generation Researchers in Cancer Cachexia:

We are pleased to feature the Next Generation Researchers session again in our 8th Cancer Cachexia conference, which continues to be one of our most popular components of our program. We welcome abstract submissions for this special designation. In this session, we will feature the most qualified applicants encompassing a diverse range of topics ranging from basic to clinical research. Ten applicants will be selected for 5-minute oral presentations. Efforts will be made to ensure the group is balanced by research type (basic, translational, clinical). Selected speakers will be highlighted and provided complimentary registration for the next 2027 cancer cachexia conference.

Eligibility Criteria:

Early career cancer cachexia researcher (basic science, translational or clinical) including PhD students, post-docs, residents/fellows, and individuals within the first 3 years of their first faculty appointment.

Selection Criteria:

Applicants for Next Generation Researchers Session must include the following in their application:
    1. Abstract 
      - Same criteria as listed for Short Talks and Poster Presentations

    2. NIH-style Biosketch or CV including the following sections: 
      - Personal statement
      - Positions, Appointments, and Honors
      - Contributions to Science – with relevant publications
      - Maximum of 2 pages

CCS Communication Award:

The Education Committee of the Cancer Cachexia Society (CCS-EC) invites you to participate in the ‘CCS Communication Award competition’.

Registered abstract presenters who are in need of feedback on their project, who would like to showcase their research idea before submitting a manuscript, or who simply feel particularly creative and want to tell us about their research can submit a graphical abstract/flyer related to their submitted abstract. The winner(s) will be awarded!

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Eligibility Criteria:

This competition is open to all abstract presenters (basic science, translational or clinical), regardless of age and/or ranking.

Application Criteria:

Applicants for the CCS Communication Award must include the following in their application:
  • A single-slide graphical abstract/flyer related to their submitted abstract (as PDF or PowerPoint file)
  • NIH-style biosketch or CV

Selection Criteria:

  • Applications will be screened by the CCS-EC.
  • Please note: The submitted version of the graphical abstract will serve exclusively for selection purposes. If invited to present, applicants will have the opportunity to improve or update their graphical abstract until the time of presentation in Edinburgh.
  • If selected, you will be invited to the podium to give an ‘elevator pitch’ in under 2 minutes, preferably using lay language. Be as entertaining as possible!
  • The conference attendees will judge graphical content, scientific quality and overall presentation, and will cast their vote using the Whova platform.
Please note:
Highlights of your presentation, along with your graphical abstract/flyer, will be posted on the CCS social media channels and website. By submitting your graphical abstract/flyer for the CCS Communication Award competition, you agree to share your material on the internet.